sightliner - find sight lines for the sun and moon

Not quite released yet.

Here are the current positions of the celestial objects, above the horizon as seen from San Francisco:

% sl_data -planets -num 1 -refraction 37.8 -122.4 | sl_find 'elev>0'
# datetime		object	bearing	elev	dist	full	sunsep	sunelev
20Feb2025 04:32:50 PST	moon	159.9	24.0	398	0.52	91.9	-28.3
20Feb2025 04:32:50 PST	mars	300.9	3.6	119243	0.95	135.0	-28.3

Here are today's sun/moon rise/set times and bearings for San Francisco:

% sl_smrs 37.8 -122.4
Sunrise:  06:53 PST (103.0°)
Sunset:   17:54 PST (257.2°)
Moonrise: 01:09 PST (121.4°)
Moonset:  10:38 PST (237.0°)

And here are the close celestial encounters for the next week:

% sl_data -start 20Feb2025 -duration 7d -interval 5m -planets -refraction 37.8 -122.4 | sl_conjunctions
saturn (full) and mercury (gibbous)
  start at 23Feb2025 18:20 PST  b: 257.2° e: 7.2°  2.54° apart
  minsep at 23Feb2025 18:40 PST  b: 260.4° e: 3.6°  2.47° apart
  end at 23Feb2025 18:50 PST  b: 261.9° e: 1.8°  2.48° apart
saturn (full) and mercury (gibbous)
  start at 24Feb2025 18:25 PST  b: 258.4° e: 6.4°  1.52° apart
  minsep at 24Feb2025 18:35 PST  b: 260.1° e: 4.6°  1.51° apart
  end at 24Feb2025 18:55 PST  b: 263.1° e: 1.1°  1.53° apart
saturn (full) and mercury (gibbous)
  start at 25Feb2025 18:25 PST  b: 258.9° e: 6.7°  1.76° apart
  minsep at 25Feb2025 18:25 PST  b: 258.9° e: 6.7°  1.76° apart
  end at 25Feb2025 18:55 PST  b: 263.5° e: 1.2°  1.77° apart

ACME Labs / Software / sightliner