Find the fractions closest in value to a given real number. Options:
Here's an example:
% closest_fractions -m 1000 -n 2 2.718281828459045 1.414213562373095 1.732050807568877 1.618033988749895 3.141592653589793 2.718281828459045: 685 / 252 = 2.718253968253968 (-2.78602e-05) 878 / 323 = 2.718266253869969 (-1.55746e-05) 193 / 71 = 2.71830985915493 (2.80307e-05) 859 / 316 = 2.718354430379747 (7.26019e-05) 1.414213562373095: 239 / 169 = 1.414201183431953 (-1.23789e-05) 816 / 577 = 1.41421143847487 (-2.1239e-06) 577 / 408 = 1.41421568627451 (2.1239e-06) 915 / 647 = 1.414219474497682 (5.91212e-06) 1.732050807568877: 627 / 362 = 1.732044198895028 (-6.60867e-06) 989 / 571 = 1.732049036777583 (-1.77079e-06) 362 / 209 = 1.732057416267943 (6.6087e-06) 821 / 474 = 1.732067510548523 (1.6703e-05) 1.618033988749895: 377 / 233 = 1.618025751072961 (-8.23768e-06) 987 / 610 = 1.618032786885246 (-1.20186e-06) 610 / 377 = 1.618037135278515 (3.14653e-06) 843 / 521 = 1.618042226487524 (8.23774e-06) 3.141592653589793: 333 / 106 = 3.141509433962264 (-8.32196e-05) 688 / 219 = 3.141552511415525 (-4.01422e-05) 355 / 113 = 3.141592920353983 (2.66764e-07) 732 / 233 = 3.141630901287554 (3.82477e-05)
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