Jef Poskanzer's Photography

"This is the world, muchachos. This is the real world, and you are in it."
-- B. Traven

[Friends and Family] [Macro] [Industrial Archaeology] [Metal] [Deserts and Cacti] [Hiking] [Camping] [Biking] [Beaches] [Hot Springs] [Whitewater] [Ultraviolet Light] [Crafts] [Cats] [Trains] [The Bevatron] [burningman '98 and '96] [Red Oak Victory] [Construction] [Albany Bulb]

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16feb2003 Sunny Morning
It looked like it might cloud up in the afternoon, so I got out and enjoyed the morning sunshine while it lasted.

16feb2003 Coke®
Recycling can be fun.

14feb2003 Cloudy Day
I took the camera to work again, hoping the sun would come out a bit in the afternoon, but it never did. I took some pictures anyway.

08feb2003 Sunny Day 2
Another beautiful day.

07feb2003 Sunny Day
It has been sunny and warm for the past week, so I took my camera to work today.

02feb2003 LA
A day-trip to Los Angeles for my Uncle Jerry's funeral.

05jan2003 Power Plant
An abandoned power plant near Hercules.

2003 Et Cetera
Miscellaneous photos from 2003.

15dec2002 Neon Puddles 2
Neon signs reflected in puddles.

07dec2002 Bulb
The Berkeley Path Wanderers visit the Albany Bulb.

21nov2002 Sunset
A nice sunset from the Berkeley pedestrian bridge, with a little police action going on.

11nov2002 Fruit & Nuts
A pomegranate, an orange, some horse chestnuts, and some acorns.

10nov2002 Skate Park
Another visit to the Berkeley skate park, this time at sunset on a cloudy day.

06oct2002 Calliope
A sculpture by Joseph Slusky at the Berkeley Marina. It's called "Calliope", and was placed in 1982. Slusky's basic style is welded scrap metal plus brightly colored paint. It's interesting to see how the paint has aged after twenty years in the sun and salt air. In 2004 it was refurbished and repainted in a simpler scheme. Slusky also has a nice piece near the Berkeley Bayer plant.

20sep2002 Dirty Harry
Dirty Harry Movie Tour 2002!

15sep2002 Skate Park
Berkeley's long-awaited skate park at 5th & Harrison is finally open.

15sep2002 Leaves
The first leaves are starting to fall from my liquidamber tree.

02sep2002 Chabot Science Center
A visit to Oakland's observatory & planetarium with parents and nephews.

01sep2002 Angel Island
Bike excursion around Angel Island and back via Tiburon, Sausalito, and the Golden Gate.

11aug2002 Sunset
Sunset above fog from the Lawrence Hall of Science.

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