Jef Poskanzer's Photography
"This is the world, muchachos. This is the real world, and you are in it."
-- B. Traven
[Friends and Family]
[Industrial Archaeology]
[Deserts and Cacti]
[Hot Springs]
[Ultraviolet Light]
[The Bevatron]
[burningman '98 and '96]
[Red Oak Victory]
[Albany Bulb]
07jun2004 SF South
My first expedition with my new camera, a Panasonic DMC-FZ10. I rode from the Mission south to San Bruno.
31may2004 Stanford
Visited Stanford University to see various sights.
30may2004 Bay St. Fair
The Bay Street Mall in Emeryville had a little arts & crafts & music & food fair.
28may2004 Critical Mass
I rode Mass again, this time without fotologgers.
19may2004 Jelly Belly
The Jelly Belly factory tour! You're not supposed to take pictures but I snuck some anyway.
12may2004 Ride/Meetup
I had a nice long bike ride south on Skyline to Merritt College, and then went straight to the monthly fotolog meetup.
07may2004 Critters
I went to see the new temporary home of the Academy of Sciences / Steinhart Aquarium. It's still only about half set up, but it includes a very nice ant exhibit. After that I rode around south of Market a little, and then took the Oakland ferry home.
30apr2004 Critical Mass
I met up with a bunch of fotologgers to ride the April Critical Mass and take pictures of each other!
25apr2004 SF
A ride through San Francisco on a v. hot day.
17apr2004 Ride
Biked up through LBNL, exploring the old Bevatron which is halfway through being demolished.
16apr2004 Bulb
Some new art at the Albany Bulb.
04apr2004 Mitchell Canyon
On the north side of Mount Diablo, this beautiful creek canyon is filled with wildflowers.
31mar2004 Alcatraz
After the morning's wedding I visited Alcatraz, just for fun. It's sometimes hard to get tickets but I breezed right onto the 1:15 boat.
31mar2004 Wedding
My friends Frank and Carolee got married at San Francisco City Hall.
28mar2004 Coastside
My dad and I went for a drive through Pacifica and Half Moon Bay.
2004 Kitties
Qusay, the friendliest of my backyard feral cats, had some kittens! They are v. cute. They turned out completely tame, and I was able to place two with my friend Jordan and two with a couple who answered a craigslist ad I placed. Next step: get Qusay neutered.
14mar2004 Beach
A ride out to a nice beach in the Marin headlands.
13mar2004 Spring
Spring is very definitely sprung in Berkeley.
07mar2004 Coyote Hills
Went for a walk with the parents on this beautiful spring day.
31jan2004 Shoreline
Bike ride out to Point Richmond.
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