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Class Acme.Matrix


public class Matrix
extends Object
Simple double matrix class.

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Constructor Index

 o Matrix(int)
Constructor - create an identity matrix.
 o Matrix(int, int)
 o Matrix(int, int, double)
 o Matrix(Matrix)
Constructor - copy a matrix.

Method Index

 o add(Matrix, Matrix)
Add two matricies.
 o equals(Object)
Equality test.
 o get(int, int)
Get an element.
 o getCols()
Get the column count.
 o getRows()
Get the row count.
 o hashCode()
Compute a hash code for the matrix.
 o max()
Find the largest element.
 o mean()
Compute the mean of all the elements.
 o min()
Find the smallest element.
 o multiply(double, Matrix)
Multiply a scalar by a matrix.
 o multiply(Matrix, double)
Multiply a matrix by a scalar.
 o multiply(Matrix, Matrix)
Multiply two matricies.
 o set(int, int, double)
Set an element.
 o solve(Matrix, Matrix)
Solve ax=b using Gaussian elimination.
 o subtract(Matrix, Matrix)
Subtract one matrix from another.
 o sum()
Compute the sum of all the elements.
 o swapCols(int, int)
Swap columns in a matrix.
 o swapRows(int, int)
Swap rows in a matrix.
 o toString()
Convert to a string.
 o transpose(Matrix)
Transpose a matrix.


 o Matrix
 public Matrix(int rows,
               int cols) throws ArithmeticException
 o Matrix
 public Matrix(int rows,
               int cols,
               double value) throws ArithmeticException
 o Matrix
 public Matrix(int size) throws ArithmeticException
Constructor - create an identity matrix.

 o Matrix
 public Matrix(Matrix o) throws ArithmeticException
Constructor - copy a matrix.


 o getRows
 public int getRows()
Get the row count.

 o getCols
 public int getCols()
Get the column count.

 o get
 public double get(int row,
                   int col)
Get an element.

 o set
 public void set(int row,
                 int col,
                 double value)
Set an element.

 o equals
 public boolean equals(Object o)
Equality test.

equals in class Object
 o hashCode
 public int hashCode()
Compute a hash code for the matrix.

hashCode in class Object
 o toString
 public String toString()
Convert to a string.

toString in class Object
 o sum
 public double sum()
Compute the sum of all the elements.

 o mean
 public double mean()
Compute the mean of all the elements.

 o max
 public double max()
Find the largest element.

 o min
 public double min()
Find the smallest element.

 o swapRows
 public void swapRows(int r1,
                      int r2)
Swap rows in a matrix.

 o swapCols
 public void swapCols(int c1,
                      int c2)
Swap columns in a matrix.

 o transpose
 public static Matrix transpose(Matrix m)
Transpose a matrix.

 o add
 public static Matrix add(Matrix a,
                          Matrix b) throws ArithmeticException
Add two matricies.

 o subtract
 public static Matrix subtract(Matrix a,
                               Matrix b) throws ArithmeticException
Subtract one matrix from another.

 o multiply
 public static Matrix multiply(Matrix a,
                               double b)
Multiply a matrix by a scalar.

 o multiply
 public static Matrix multiply(double a,
                               Matrix b)
Multiply a scalar by a matrix.

 o multiply
 public static Matrix multiply(Matrix a,
                               Matrix b) throws ArithmeticException
Multiply two matricies.

 o solve
 public static Matrix solve(Matrix a,
                            Matrix b) throws ArithmeticException
Solve ax=b using Gaussian elimination. The matrix a must be square, and b must be a vector with the same number of rows as a. Returns another vector of the same size as b.

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