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Class Acme.GuiUtils


public class GuiUtils
extends Object
Some static GUI utilities.

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Variable Index

 o busyColor
Pale turquoise.
 o errorColor
Medium red.
 o noticeColor
Pale yellow.
 o qmarkColor
Pale green.
 o warningColor
Medium orange.

Constructor Index

 o GuiUtils()

Method Index

 o brokenIcon(Component)
 o busyIcon(Component)
 o drawImage(Graphics, Component, Image)
Draw a centered image.
 o drawSpline(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, int)
Draw a three-point spline.
 o drawThickLine(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int)
Draw a thick line.
 o errorIcon(Component)
 o getTopParent(Component)
Returns the top available parent of a component.
 o handleBgcolor(Applet)
Handle the standard BGCOLOR parameter.
 o noticeIcon(Component)
 o packWindow(Component)
Calls pack() on the nearest parent that's a Window.
 o parseColor(String)
Parse a color string into a Color.
 o qmarkIcon(Component)
 o warningIcon(Component)


 o noticeColor
 public static final Color noticeColor
Pale yellow.

 o warningColor
 public static final Color warningColor
Medium orange.

 o errorColor
 public static final Color errorColor
Medium red.

 o busyColor
 public static final Color busyColor
Pale turquoise.

 o qmarkColor
 public static final Color qmarkColor
Pale green.


 o GuiUtils
 public GuiUtils()


 o getTopParent
 public static Component getTopParent(Component comp)
Returns the top available parent of a component.

 o packWindow
 public static void packWindow(Component comp)
Calls pack() on the nearest parent that's a Window.

 o drawSpline
 public static void drawSpline(Graphics graphics,
                               int x1,
                               int y1,
                               int x2,
                               int y2,
                               int x3,
                               int y3)
Draw a three-point spline.

 o drawThickLine
 public static void drawThickLine(Graphics graphics,
                                  int x1,
                                  int y1,
                                  int x2,
                                  int y2,
                                  int linewidth)
Draw a thick line.

 o parseColor
 public static Color parseColor(String str)
Parse a color string into a Color. The color can be specified by name as one of:
black blue cyan darkGray gray green lightGray magenta orange pink red white yellow
Or, as an #rrggbb hex number, like in Netscape.

 o handleBgcolor
 public static void handleBgcolor(Applet applet)
Handle the standard BGCOLOR parameter. Call as:
Acme.GuiUtils.handleBgcolor( this );
at the start of your init() method.

 o noticeIcon
 public static Image noticeIcon(Component comp)
 o warningIcon
 public static Image warningIcon(Component comp)
 o errorIcon
 public static Image errorIcon(Component comp)
 o busyIcon
 public static Image busyIcon(Component comp)
 o qmarkIcon
 public static Image qmarkIcon(Component comp)
 o brokenIcon
 public static Image brokenIcon(Component comp)
 o drawImage
 public static void drawImage(Graphics graphics,
                              Component comp,
                              Image image)
Draw a centered image.

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ACME Java  ACME Labs