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Class Acme.DQueue


public class DQueue
extends Queue
Simple double-ended queue class.

Similar to Acme.Queue, except you can add and remove from either end.

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Constructor Index

 o DQueue()

Method Index

 o addFront(Object)
Adds an item to the front of the queue.
 o getBack()
Gets an item off the back of the queue.
 o peekBack()
Peeks at the back of the queue.


 o DQueue
 public DQueue()


 o addFront
 public Object addFront(Object item)
Adds an item to the front of the queue.

Why does it return the item? Because Stack.push() does.

 o getBack
 public Object getBack()
Gets an item off the back of the queue.

 o peekBack
 public Object peekBack()
Peeks at the back of the queue.

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ACME Java  ACME Labs