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Class Acme.Conf.Server.Security


public class Security
extends Object
Security checks for the conferencing system.

A set of checks for whether various actions are permitted. If the action is not permitted, throws a SecurityException. This encapsulates all the security policies of the conferencing system.

This class is called only from the server side.

The default implementation represents the policies at a standard PicoSpan/YAPP site. Other implementations are possible in theory, but at the moment the server-side classes are hard-coded to call this one only. They would have to changed around somewhat to allow setting a different policy module, and the methods in this class would have to be made non-static.

Fetch the software.
Fetch the entire Acme package.

See Also:

Constructor Index

 o Security()

Method Index

 o mayAddConference(Session)
Whether the user may add a new conference to the group.
 o mayAddConferenceUser(Session)
Whether the user may add a user to the conference's ulist.
 o mayAddConfgroup(Session)
Whether the user may add a new conference group to the system.
 o mayAddHost(Session)
Whether the user may add a host to the conference.
 o mayAddTopic(Session)
Whether the user may add a new topic.
 o mayAddUser(Session)
Whether the user may add a new user to the system.
 o mayFreeze(Session)
Whether the user may freeze the topic.
 o mayHide(Session, int)
Whether the user may hide a response.
 o mayLinkConference(Session)
Whether the user may link an existing conference to the group.
 o mayLinkTopic(Session)
Whether the user may link in an existing topic.
 o mayRetire(Session)
Whether the user may retire the topic.
 o mayRmConference(Session)
Whether the user may remove a conference from the group.
 o mayRmConferenceUser(Session)
Whether the user may remove a user from the conference's ulist.
 o mayRmConfgroup(Session)
Whether the user may remove a conference group from the system.
 o mayRmHost(Session)
Whether the user may remove a host from the conference.
 o mayRmTopic(Session)
Whether the user may remove a topic from the conference.
 o mayRmUser(Session)
Whether the user may remove a user from the system.
 o mayScribble(Session, int)
Whether the user may scribble a response.
 o maySetBio(Session, User)
Whether the user may set the given user's biographical information / .plan file.
 o maySetConferenceUrl(Session)
Whether the user may set the conference's URL.
 o maySetEmail(Session, User)
Whether the user may set the given user's email address.
 o maySetLogin(Session)
Whether the user may set the conference's login message.
 o maySetLongDesc(Session)
Whether the user may set the paragraph about the conference.
 o maySetPublic(Session)
Whether the user may set the public/private status of a conference.
 o maySetRealName(Session, User)
Whether the user may set the given user's real name.
 o maySetShortDesc(Session)
Whether the user may set the one-line description of the conference.
 o maySetUserUrl(Session, User)
Whether the user may set the given user's URL.
 o mayUnfreeze(Session)
Whether the user may unfreeze the topic.
 o mayUnhide(Session, int)
Whether the user may unhide a response.
 o mayUnretire(Session)
Whether the user may unretire the topic.


 o Security
 public Security()


 o mayAddConfgroup
 public static void mayAddConfgroup(Session session)
Whether the user may add a new conference group to the system.

 o mayRmConfgroup
 public static void mayRmConfgroup(Session session)
Whether the user may remove a conference group from the system.

 o mayAddUser
 public static void mayAddUser(Session session)
Whether the user may add a new user to the system.

 o mayRmUser
 public static void mayRmUser(Session session)
Whether the user may remove a user from the system.

 o mayAddConference
 public static void mayAddConference(Session session)
Whether the user may add a new conference to the group.

 o mayLinkConference
 public static void mayLinkConference(Session session)
Whether the user may link an existing conference to the group.

 o mayRmConference
 public static void mayRmConference(Session session)
Whether the user may remove a conference from the group.

 o mayAddTopic
 public static void mayAddTopic(Session session)
Whether the user may add a new topic.

 o mayLinkTopic
 public static void mayLinkTopic(Session session)
Whether the user may link in an existing topic.

 o mayRmTopic
 public static void mayRmTopic(Session session)
Whether the user may remove a topic from the conference.

 o maySetShortDesc
 public static void maySetShortDesc(Session session)
Whether the user may set the one-line description of the conference.

 o maySetLongDesc
 public static void maySetLongDesc(Session session)
Whether the user may set the paragraph about the conference.

 o maySetLogin
 public static void maySetLogin(Session session)
Whether the user may set the conference's login message.

 o maySetConferenceUrl
 public static void maySetConferenceUrl(Session session)
Whether the user may set the conference's URL.

 o mayAddConferenceUser
 public static void mayAddConferenceUser(Session session)
Whether the user may add a user to the conference's ulist.

 o mayRmConferenceUser
 public static void mayRmConferenceUser(Session session)
Whether the user may remove a user from the conference's ulist.

 o maySetPublic
 public static void maySetPublic(Session session)
Whether the user may set the public/private status of a conference.

 o mayAddHost
 public static void mayAddHost(Session session)
Whether the user may add a host to the conference.

 o mayRmHost
 public static void mayRmHost(Session session)
Whether the user may remove a host from the conference.

 o mayRetire
 public static void mayRetire(Session session)
Whether the user may retire the topic.

 o mayUnretire
 public static void mayUnretire(Session session)
Whether the user may unretire the topic.

 o mayFreeze
 public static void mayFreeze(Session session)
Whether the user may freeze the topic.

 o mayUnfreeze
 public static void mayUnfreeze(Session session)
Whether the user may unfreeze the topic.

 o mayHide
 public static void mayHide(Session session,
                            int responseNum)
Whether the user may hide a response.

 o mayUnhide
 public static void mayUnhide(Session session,
                              int responseNum)
Whether the user may unhide a response.

 o mayScribble
 public static void mayScribble(Session session,
                                int responseNum)
Whether the user may scribble a response.

 o maySetRealName
 public static void maySetRealName(Session session,
                                   User user)
Whether the user may set the given user's real name.

 o maySetEmail
 public static void maySetEmail(Session session,
                                User user)
Whether the user may set the given user's email address.

 o maySetUserUrl
 public static void maySetUserUrl(Session session,
                                  User user)
Whether the user may set the given user's URL.

 o maySetBio
 public static void maySetBio(Session session,
                              User user)
Whether the user may set the given user's biographical information / .plan file.

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