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Class Acme.Conf.Confgroup


public abstract class Confgroup
extends Object
A group of conferences.

Conference groups contain conferences. Each group has a name and a list of managers who are authorized to perform maintenance functions.

This is an abstract class with separate implementations on the client and server sides, mirrored via RPC.

Fetch the software.
Fetch the entire Acme package.

See Also:

Constructor Index

 o Confgroup()

Method Index

 o addConference(Session, String, String, User)
Add a new conference to the group.
 o getConferences()
An Enumeration of the Conferences in this group.
 o getName()
The name of this group of conferences.
 o isManager(User)
Check whether a user is a manager of this conference group.
 o linkConference(Session, Conference)
Link an existing conference to the group.
 o rmConference(Session, Conference)
Remove a conference from the group.


 o Confgroup
 public Confgroup()


 o getName
 public abstract String getName()
The name of this group of conferences.

 o getConferences
 public abstract Enumeration getConferences()
An Enumeration of the Conferences in this group.

 o isManager
 public abstract boolean isManager(User user)
Check whether a user is a manager of this conference group.

 o addConference
 public abstract Conference addConference(Session session,
                                          String name,
                                          String shortDesc,
                                          User host)
Add a new conference to the group. The new conference gets created with no longDesc, no login, no url, etc. You have to fill those in separately.

Only a manager may do this.

 o linkConference
 public abstract void linkConference(Session session,
                                     Conference conference)
Link an existing conference to the group.

Only a manager may do this.

 o rmConference
 public abstract void rmConference(Session session,
                                   Conference conference)
Remove a conference from the group. It may continue to exist in other conference groups; and if not, the topics it contains may continue to exist in other conferences.

Only a manager may do this.

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